How To Make Things Clear?
Get curious
Watch a film about tangram.
Ask students:
What the video was about?
Were the instructions clear?
So what is tangram?
How to make it?
Today we will practice clear communication and the tangrams will help us to do this in the second part of the lesson.
Get going
Each group receives a short story, which they have to tell to students in other groups in 7 words.
1. Divide the students into 4 teams.
2. After reading their story, students think about which 7 words to use in order to tell the story in the most concise form, and write them down.
3. They read them to the students from other teams.
4. The other teams listen and on the basis of the 7 words, take turns to try to recreate the story.
5. Then ask students to read or tell the original stories and to compare them with the versions that were recreated.
Summarize the exercise - the principle of an effective presentation
Ask students:
What was the most difficult for you?
What did you focus on?
When preparing the presentation, it is essential to pay attention to appropriate selection of the content of the talk.
It is important for presentation to be CONCISE, SPECIFIC and COHERENT, and to be conveyed LOGICALLY.
During the game Story in Seven Words, the symbolic 7 words remind participants that messages can be conveyed using modest, appropriately selected means.
Organize a movement game.
1. Ask students to sit in a circle and position yourself in the middle.
2. Assign the name of an animal living in the forest to each student. Ideally, three repeating names of animals should be selected. Choose the name of an animal for yourself as well. (in the exemplary story there are: an opossum, a squirrel and a bobcat).
3. Next, tell a story featuring animals.
4. Each time you say the name of an animal, students who have been assigned this name change places.
5. At an appropriate moment, you yourself can sit down in one of the vacant seats – then the person who remains in the middle takes over the role of storyteller.
You will find the exemplary story in the tab. You can modify it, adding and changing animals and developing the plot depending on how involved the children are in this exercise.
Students assemble the tangrams listening to precise instructions from the partners.
The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat figures, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape (given only an outline or silhouette) using all seven pieces, which may not overlap. It is one of the most popular dissection puzzles in the world. (Wikipedia)
Prepare the tangrams using templates and instruction in the tabs.
Drawing conclusions about effective communication.
It is worth starting the discussion by asking students which role they feel best in: arranging the pieces, or instructing. Ask about difficulties and what was helpful during the task.