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Where Can Mind Maps Take You?


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3 min
Video/ Slide show (3 min)

See how the dancer moves to one side and then to the other.

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Author: Nobuyuki Kayahara
Do you see the dancer turning clockwise or counter-clockwise? If clockwise, then you should use more of the right cerebral hemisphere, and vice versa. Most of us see the dancer turning counter-clockwise, although you can try to focus and change the direction; see if you can do it. This requires several minutes, but once you do it, it is great fun.
3 min
Movement game (3 min)

Start doing circles on your stomach with your left hand and, simultaneously, start patting yourself on the head with your right hand.

At first, it is most likely that the two hands will either be doing circles or patting, but you will get it under control after some practice.

Get going

4 min
Video/ Slide show (4 min)

Watch the film. Tony Buzan – the creator of mind maps – shares tips on how to develop your inner creativity.

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Which cerebral hemisphere is used during writing, reading, counting? 

How frequently are classes based on these activities?

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What is the purpose of mind maps?

Mind maps enable you to practice creativity, both yours and that of your students. However, jogging your creativity is only one of the reasons for using mind maps. They are a tool which facilitates planning, note-taking, presentations, etc.

Think how can you use them for yourself and how to teach them to your students. You can find the purpose of mind maps in the section Learn more.

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3 min
Observing (3 min)

Learn about the principles for the creation of mind maps using the best examples.

View the incredible mind maps 


 and  answer the following questions:

How is the sheet placed? 

What is in the middle?

To what can you compare the lines?

How many words are there on a single branch?

What is the width and the length of the branches? 

How are the words spelled? 

What letters are used? 

How many of them are there? 

What can you see apart from branches and words?

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7 min
Manual exercise (7 min)

The seven steps to creating a mind map (according to Tony Buzan).

1. Start in the CENTRE of a blank sheet turned sideways. 

Why? Because starting in the centre gives your brain freedom to spread out in all directions and to express itself more freely and naturally.

2. Use an IMAGE or a PICTURE for your central idea. 

Why? Because an image is worth a thousand words and helps you use your Imagination. A central image is more interesting, keeps you focused, helps you concentrate, and gives your brain more of a buzz!

3. Use COLORS throughout. 

Why? Because colors are as exciting for your Brain as images. Color adds extra vibrancy and vividness to your Mind Map, gives a tremendous amount of power to your creative thinking ability, and it is simply fun!

4. CONNECT your MAIN BRANCHES to the central image and connect your second- and third-level branches to the first and second level, etc. 

Why? Because your brain works by association. It likes to link two (or three, or four) things together. If you connect the branches, you will understand and remember much more easily.

5. Make your branches CURVED rather than straight. 

Why? Because having nothing but straight lines is boring to your brain.


Why? Because single key words give your mind map more power and flexibility.

7. Use PICTURES throughout. 

Why? Because every picture, like the central one, is worth a thousand words. So, if you have as few as 10 pictures in your mind map, it is already equal to having 10,000 words of notes!

Source: http://www.tonybuzan.com/about/mind-mapping/

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20 min
Writing (20 min)

It is high time to create your first map!

  1. Prepare several blank sheets of paper and all the colored pens you have at home. 
  2. If you have a list of tasks for next week or month it would make your job easier. Do not worry, if you do not - use the thoughts you have in your mind.
  3. Start by drawing something that symbolizes the upcoming week/month in the very center of the sheet and go to action!



This short course may lead you to use mind maps every day. It would be terrific if you decided to teach your students mind maps. How much easier it would be for them to learn! I hope that some of the activities inspired you to work with children on their creativity and to help them exercise their minds.

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Get practicing

Movement game

Learn how to juggle!

This is one of the most efficient ways to improve the synergy between cerebral hemispheres.

If you normally use your right hand, start using the left and vice versa. This way you will be able to develop new cerebral connections.

Clicking play will redirect you to YouTube website.
Author: Howcast
Creative expression

Make your mind map

Create a fascinating lesson using the mind map format.

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Get Going

Writing: create your first map.

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Movement game:

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Life Skills:

  • Creative problem-solving
  • Transparent communication
  • Self-awareness and self-management


Author: Aga Napora
Producer: Agata Wilam


This is a modified version of a lesson plan created by the Children’s University Foundation under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license. The drawing: Left and Right Side of Brain by Tony Sebastian under CC BY 3.0 license. The mind map by jean-louis Zimmermann under CC BY 2.0 licence.

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Where Can Mind Maps Take You?
By doing circles on your stomach and, simultaneously, patting yourself on the head you will synchronize cerebral hemispheres. Using all the color pens you find at home, you will meticulously plan and bravely create whatever you must face next week.


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