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What Do Animals Use Their Saliva for?


Get curious

5 min
Experiment (5 min)

The students check what happens to their saliva when they eat a sour jelly.

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6 min
Experiment (6 min)

The students check how much saliva humans secrete.

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5 min
Video/ Slide show (5 min)

Watch videos about how various animals use their saliva.

Clicking play will redirect you to YouTube website.
Clicking play will redirect you to YouTube website.
You can watch the videos yourself beforehand (more links are provided in the next section) and choose the ones you want to show to your students as well.
12 min
Experiment (12 min)

The students look at the photos of selected animals and wonder what they can possibly use their saliva for.

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Photos of animals
7 min
Experiment (7 min)

The students examine how viper venom works.

They carry out an experiment involving milk and a solution which acts identical to viper venom.
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Alternative - choose one:

The students fill out their Exit Tickets.

Exit Ticket

Observe one animal.

It can be a pet animal, such as a dog or a cat (as well as an insect, such as a spider), or you can just choose another animal and search for information or videos about the way it lives on the Internet. Does the animal secrete saliva? Consider how much saliva it secretes daily. Is it the volume of a screw-cap, one egg cup, or maybe a 1.5-liter bottle? Draw in your notebook the animal you have chosen and write down right next to it the purposes the animal uses its saliva for.

Get ready

Before the lesson, prepare a solution that will act similar to viper venom.


  • water (200 ml/6,8 oz),
  • alcohol (50 ml/1,7 oz),
  • juice from half a lemon,
  • a bottle (300 ml/10 oz) for storage.
Mix water with alcohol in the bottle. Add a few drops of lemon juice. Mix the preparation.

Get Curious


Get Going

A set for each group:
Experiment: What do the animals use their saliva for?

Experiment: The students examine how viper venom works
A set for each group:

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Life Skills:

  • Creative problem-solving
  • Critical thinking and drawing conclusion


Methodology: Agnieszka Staroń
Translation: Paweł Fabrowicz
Producer: Klaudia Chmura
Author: Patrycja Wanat, Karolina Słota


This is a modified version of a lesson plan created by the Children’s University Foundation under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. Photo by Thomas Brown – Flickr: Bamboo Pit Viper (Cryptelytrops albolabris), published on Wikipedia under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

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What Do Animals Use Their Saliva for?
The students will examine the properties of saliva. They will check why viper venom is toxic and what other ways there are in which animals use their saliva.


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